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Moms Need Moms

I'm  a Neurotypical Mama raising a Neurodivergent Child. I'm a single, co-parenting, FT working Mama navigating  motherhood with my awesome son, Logan. 

My son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) at almost 3 years old. My world completely changed when this miracle entered my life. There were some pretty dark moments. Post-diagnosis, my world changed even more so but for the better.  And through it all I was able fight my way back to my passions and reclaim my purpose, The journey through motherhood has definitely changed me forever, and I will never be the same again. THANK GODNESS!!! 

In this judgment free space, I will share with you some of my experiences, the good the bad and the ugly, the wins and the fails, some tools, tips and tricks and some hilarious moments courtesy of my little human. So come join Logan and I as we get throug  this thing called life, because MOMS NEED MOMS!!

Moms Need Moms

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